Complete Solution
for podcasting

A top-quality audio and video recording solution, broadcasting on major listening networks, and easy hosting to help you launch and grow your podcast quickly and hassle-free.

High-definition sound recording

Our professional space transforms every recording into a work of sound art. With cutting-edge technology, we capture the richness of each voice, providing recordings of unmatched clarity, whether solo or in a group, in person for up to 6 people or online for up to 8, with custom editing and mastering for an unparalleled audio experience.

Simplified and Effective Broadcasting

VODEO elevates your podcast to the largest listening platforms. Our expertise supports you in submitting to key platforms like Apple Podcasts and Spotify, ensuring smooth management of your RSS feed and decoding your audience with detailed analyses, for maximum content reach.

Customized Hosting

Benefit from secure podcast hosting tailored to your ambitions. Our solutions ensure smooth broadcasting, a deep understanding of your audience through detailed analysis, priority technical support, and a personalized web presence, so that your voice carries far and wide.

Flexible Recording Options

Our Space

Record multiple episodes in our soundproof studio.

Your Space

Record your episodes from a location of your choice.

From Space!

Record your episodes with remote guests without any hassle.

Start creating your podcast today!

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced podcaster, we offer the expertise, tools, and support you need to succeed. Don't wait any longer, join our community of satisfied podcasters today!
Contact us to discuss your needs and get a personalized quote.